Natural Tumbled Stone Premium Mix! 11 different kinds of premium stone - 12 Stones total
Weight: Averages about .5 lbs (pictured)Size: .5" - 1.5" (average range)
Origin: Brazil, China, Africa, India
Grade: A Grade
Polished tumbled stone for use in jewelry, crafts, fairy gardens, home decor, indoor plant rock mulch, Reiki, Feng shui, and other metaphysical or alternative applications.
This is a hand packed, hand mixed bag of 11 different kinds of stone offering 1 of each type for a total of 11 pieces.
You are guaranteed to get one of each of the following premium specialty stones:
Malachite, Chrysocolla, Shattuckite, Aquamarine, Rutiliated Quartz, Kambaba Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Apatite, Ruby Zoisite, Rhodonite, Rainbow Fluorite